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SWOCC Symposium - Maak kennis met Florian Buehler

Publicatiedatum: 22 | 02 | 2024

Florian BuehlerFlorian Buehler is Senior Lecturer in Marketing Research and Research Methods aan de Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, Oostenrijk. Hij is gepromoveerd in consumentengedrag aan de VU Amsterdam. Zijn onderzoek richt zich op het begrijpen van de perceptie van AI en draagt bij aan zowel het academische debat als aan bedrijven en organisaties. Daarnaast is Florian één van de inspirerende sprekers tijdens het SWOCC Symposium. Maak alvast kennis met Florian!

What message do marketing professionals go home with after attending your presentation during the SWOCC Symposium?

Marketing professionals should understand that AI is not a threat to creativity, but rather can be a tool to enhance it. AI-generated output can be as creative and impactful as human-made work. However, the perception of AI-generated work is influenced by biases, particularly among those who believe creativity is a unique human trait. Recognizing and overcoming these biases can open up new possibilities for creative expression in marketing.

Can you give us – in a nutshell – one (surprising) research result? 

One surprising result from the research is that people judge an artwork as less creative and inspiring when it is labeled as “made by AI” – even though the artwork was made by a human (and vice versa). This bias is especially strong among people who strongly believe that creativity is an exclusively human ability. 

Regardless of your research, what trends do you see currently that (are going to) have a major impact on marketing in the future? 

The increasing integration of AI in various aspects of life, including marketing, is a trend that will continue to shape the future. AI can analyze data more efficiently, predict consumer behavior more accurately, and create more personalized marketing strategies. This might change the industry. 


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